Book Exchange

The book exchange is open to all members of the Faculty Center, including Emeriti and Retirees. Located in the Faculty Center North Lounge also referred to as the “Billiard Room,” the collection consists of the usual hard or soft backed editions as well as pocket books. Participants can withdraw items of interest to read and return at a later date. There is a sign-in sheet to keep track of such transactions. Participants are also invited to bring in books they have enjoyed to share with others.
Cared for by volunteers from the Emeriti Association, items are shelved first as “New arrivals” and later placed into one of three groupings: “Non-fiction,” “Fiction,” and “Mystery”. Every year volunteers examine the collection for books that have not circulated. These are then donated to the Research Library for its annual used book sale.
Because both shelf space and volunteer time are limited, members are asked not to withdraw or submit in large quantities. For large book donations, please contact a local public library branch or charity organization.