Emeriti Mentoring Program

Did you ever wish you had someone to talk to at UCLA? Someone who wasn't your teacher but who knew a lot about many different aspects of UCLA? Well, now you can tap into the unique and special knowledge of UCLA's Emeriti Mentors, retired faculty members who would like to share what they know with you!

Q: Who are the Emeriti Mentors?
A: Emeriti Mentors are retired professors with long careers as teachers and scholars at UCLA. With their broad understanding of the university, their good advice for profiting from it, and their lively interest in undergraduate welfare, the Mentors can help enrich your UCLA education.*
Q: How does the program work?
A: You and your Mentor simply meet and talk once a month or more frequently. Your Mentor's interests will be broad, like yours, and we hope you'll discuss what interests you -- for example, your academic plans, your career hopes, your extracurricular interests and hobbies, what's happening here and in the world.
Q: Who is eligible?
A: Any interested undergraduate.
Q: Why should I apply?
A: Your Mentor's knowledge and experience can offer you a perspective you can find nowhere else.
*NOTE: The Mentors do not replace your departmental or college advisors.
Application Form
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"The Emeriti Mentoring Program is most certainly a particularly valuable and advantageous resource that is dedicated to and equipped in enhancing one’s University experience. As a student, I believe that this tool will greatly facilitate certain aspects of college as one networks with Emeriti Professors who will assist and guide students in many ways. Indeed, this program will unite together both the zeal and enthusiasm of the student and the expertise and wisdom of the Professors, overall enriching one’s learning experience at UCLA through a unique avenue of fine knowledge."
— A.A.

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